Music Together®

Music Together is...
Music Together is an internationally recognized early childhood music and movement program for children from birth through age 8—and the grownups who love them. First offered to the public in 1987, it pioneered the concept of a research-based, developmentally appropriate early childhood music curriculum that strongly emphasizes and facilitates adult involvement.
Music Together classes are based on the recognition that all children are musical. All children can learn to sing in tune, keep a beat, and participate with confidence in the music of our culture, provided that their early environment supports such learning.
Family Mixed-Age Classes
This is the essential Music Together class, one that a child can attend from birth up to five years old, through all nine song collections. This basic class follows the recommendations of child development researchers—grouping children of a variety of ages because this fosters natural, family-style learning. It's a whole family activity- babies enjoy watching and imitating toddlers; older children learn by leading younger ones; and adults are happy because the children in the family can go to class together. Each child participates at his or her own level in singing, moving, chanting, listening, watching, and exploring musical instruments. It's a more than a single age group baby activity or mommy and me class- and any caregivers and special grownups are welcome—grandparents, nanny, auntie, etc. The whole family can be part of this special family music time.
For all information about our current classes, please visit the "Class Registration" page!
For our Class Policies, including information on Health & Safety, please visit our "Class Policies" page.
Intergenerational Class
A wonderful experience for families and elders, this is a regular Family Mixed-Age class taught in a special setting with the express purpose of sharing our music with the "grandmas and grandpas" affiliated with the residence. Though we are not currently offering full semester Intergenerational classes, we do still go there for "field trip" classes! To learn more about this great program, check out the Intergenerational class page on the national Music Together site.
For more information about Music Together®
Please go to our wonderful national site ( It's a fantastic resource filled with information on the development of children both emotionally and musically, and on the importance of early musical play.